Long tail lizards love humid environment. it is usually %70 percent humidity that is required for these lizards. When this is achieved along with the right temperature, these lizards are very active and and can even mate and have babies. Humidity is critical for the babies to hatch. To maintain humidity requires misting the tank 3-4 times a day but never on the lizards. Putting a water dish or sponge can also help. The bedding should be a special type that absorbs the water and keep it. or for more creative owners can choose to set up a sprinkler system in their terrarium. Having live plants can also help increase the humidity in the tank. also make sure to have a good digital or analog measuring unit for humidity level in the tank.
Heat is also essential for these cute lizards. One side of the tank should be cooler than the other side. These lizards like to run around the tank and adjust their body temperature accordingly. Generally speaking, the heat one one side should not exceed 29 Celsius. A basking lamp would serve this purpose preferably heating from the top not from the sides. a heating pad is not recommended as these animals spend most of their times on the branches not on the ground. Any kind of light is good basking but make sure that it does not heat much and create any fire hazard. as for the general lighting, UV lights are recommended. should be full spectrum. These lizards receive their iron needs from this natural light and this helps them shedding properly.